"Anticipation... Celebration" (A Poem written by parishioner Phyllis Rahe)
Christmas... it's probably our favorite time of the year, when the joy of the season should fill us with cheer. But we get so distracted by the holiday season, that we often forget that there's a much bigger reason, than making out lists and shopping the malls, searching for gifts to please one and all, seeing the stores filled with holiday wrappings, buying ribbons and paper for all the gift wrapping. Stringing lights all around for the neighbors to see, and looking all over for that perfect tree. Cooking and cleaning, there's no time to rest, because we want this Christma, to be our very best! But the "busy-ness" soon can take over our life, filling too many hours with stress and with strife. It makes me feel sad and find it so very odd, that there's never much mentioned about the Son of God. After all, it's His birthday, such a special day, but so many people just don't feel that way. The way they ignore Him, I'm sure makes Jesus cry, for His love and true sacrifice, no one should deny. Just imagine how you'd feel, if you heard plans discussed, and noticed how everyone was making a fuss, you hear the party's for you, oh, you get so excited, but then you soon realize... you weren't invited! So as we prepare for our celebrations, let's hold in our hearts a true anticipation, for the coming of Jesus, on which we can depend, knowing He brings true peace and love without end. He knows we have challenges and our days have been hard, but he does hold each of us, in the highest regard. So have faith in the message of that first Christmas morn, when the angels proclaimed that a child hand been born. Let Jesus be "born" in your heart everyday, and then make it a point to give His love away, spread kindness and joy in everything that you do, and the blessings of Christmas will be returned to you. So remember to keep Jesus as your honored guest, then truly Christmas this year will be your very BEST!