Our parish council has approved our Parish Pastoral Strategic Plan for 2022-2024. We have been working together on this from our Vision Zoom meetings, parish surveys a year ago, and to our four commissions taking that information to define actions we can take to use the strengths we have to achieve the aspirations we identified. The Mission Statement below, established as we began this task, will help guide us to stay focused in our efforts.
The Pastoral Strategic Plan is now also available for you to view. Also, our Parish Mission Statement has been updated to fit our current situation and informed by our visioning meetings and survey results. The rest of the PSP was formed from the strengths and aspirations identified in the visioning meetings and survey results as developed into objectives and actions plans by the commissions formed to address each focus area.
The following chart summarizes the Strengths and Objectives the visioning meetings and survey results identified. These objectives are a means to assure us progress in meeting our goals in the different focus areas of our life as a parish. Action plans have been developed for each of these objectives (and can be found in the PSP). I’m mentioning this because it isn’t just a few people on some committees who this will affect, this is meant for our whole parish. Ideally it will be a manner in which we all participate to achieve our goals, growing as a parish and seeing new opportunities to grow in the future.
To view our entire Pastoral Strategic Plan, please click HERE.