Welcome to Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish

We are so excited to share God's Love with you, and we are honored to have you share your faith journey with our parish community.


If you are ready to officially register as a member of our family: Simply click here and Download the Registration Form

Complete forms and either

  • scan/email the forms to Debbie Orf at: debbiecollins@abvmtech.org 
  • or print them off and mail it to the parish office (403 North Main Street, O'Fallon, MO, 63366) c/o Parish Secretary
  • or drop them in the collection basket at any Mass (c/o Parish Secretary)
Get to Know the Parish

After you turn in your registration, please know that our Welcoming Committee Coordinator, Lynn Crews, will reach out to you to help get you more acclimated with our parish and to answer any other questions that you might have. She will also invite you to a Church Tour to learn more about our history. Lynn's contact information is: lynncrews@abvmtech.org or 314.578.0741.

We are so excited to WELCOME your family as a part of our parish family!  
May you find Christ here… may you find Christ to the world!

Do I Have to be Christian or Catholic to Register?

Assumption Welcomes everyone! While full participation in our Eucharistic liturgies is limited to baptized, professed, practicing Catholics, anyone can join our community of faith - pray with us, walk with us, volunteer and serve with us, rejoice with us. If you are interested in being baptized as a Christian and/or would like to know more about how to become a fully iniated member of the Roman Catholic faith, CLICK HERE