The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Marriage)

Welcome and Congratulations! We are excited for you and for your families! Your commitment to love one another forever is a sign of hope for the world. Your request to be married in the community of the Church is a sign of faith. We, the people of Assumption Parish, pray that God will bless your marriage, and, through you make the world a better place.

Where Do We Start?

You start by calling Angie at the parish office (636.240.3721 ext 235) that we might receive from you the basic information we need, explain the process to you and look at possible dates.
Once your date is secured, you will need to contact our Music Director, Parker Bishop ( to discuss music selections and hiring liturgical musicians. 

When Should We Call?

The Common Marriage Policy requires couples to contact a priest a minimum of six months before the intended wedding date. Couples are encouraged to contact the parish office as soon as they become engaged, even though the intended date is a year or more away. 

Who Can Get Married At Assumption Parish?

To be married at Assumption, at least one party should be a registered member of Assumption Parish and be living an active and practicing Catholic life.

When Can A Wedding Be Scheduled?

Weddings at Assumption may be celebrated on most Fridays and Saturdays of the year. Weddings may be scheduled on Friday evenings, or on Saturdays at either 11:00am or 1:30pm.

An important perspective:

Yes, there is much to plan, and a lot to prepare. But we pray that – through it all – you will keep a place in your heart for what really matters. For your wedding is a day; your marriage is forever. The time you spend now talking, praying, forgiving, and working on your relationship, sets the ground work for a holy and life giving marriage: in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, all the days of your life.


Jesus said to his disciples: “I have told you this that my joy might be in you and your joy may be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you. There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. The command I give you is this: that you love one another.” John 15: 11-13, 17

The Church has a rich tradition in its teaching on sacramental marriage and covenantal union. The Old Testament authors write of God making a covenant with the chosen people and promising them that they will never be forsaken. The New Testament authors write of Jesus as the new covenant and compare the relationship of Jesus with the Church to the relationship of a husband and wife. The matrimonial covenant, is by its nature ordered toward the mutual love and support of the spouses, and the procreation and education of children.

Marriage is selected by many as a way of fulfilling God’s plan for them. Marriage celebrates a journey where loving and dying are synonymous. Love is a dying to one’s own time, convenience, wants, and ego. Love is a dying to self-interest in an act of generosity and self-giving. Loving through grief and loss, joyful times and illness, financial woes, and the rhythms of daily schedules allows couples to touch the eternal in their marriage. When couples – with God’s help – face up to and embrace the real demands of love and conversion their marriage becomes a true sacrament.