The Sacrament of Baptism

Congratulations to your family! Whether you are preparing to Baptize your infant or you are an adult who has made the decision to be initiated into the faith, Assumption WELCOMES you and has a wonderful Baptismal preparation process for you.

Baptism is 1 of the 3 Sacraments necessary for full initiation in the Catholic faith. Because the Catholic Church is a Christian denomination, if you have been baptized in another Christian tradition (e.g. Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, etc.) you do not need to be "re-baptized" in the Catholic Church. All Christians share one common Baptism.

If you are seeking baptism for your child or for yourself, we do ask that you register as an official member of our parish so that we can fully support your faith journey. Detailed information on the purpose of Baptism, and the symbols can be found below. Please call Angie Gloriod at the parish office at 636-240-3721 ext 235 for more information or to schedule a baptism and be prepared to answer the quetions in the document below.



“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven. “You are my Son, the Beloved. With you I am well pleased.” Mark 1:9-11

Baptism means to “plunge” into the life which was modeled by Christ. Baptism tells us 1.) That our lives are not all about us, 2.) That we will suffer, and 3.) That we are never alone!

Parents who ask that their child be baptized into Christ have the most significant part to play in the passing on the Christian life. It is through you that your child will come to know the love of God. It is through you that your child will become involved in the larger community in which he/she lives. Through you, your child will acquire an awareness of being a living and active member of the church.

Bringing your child to the baptismal font expresses your commitment to raise your child in the Catholic faith. This faith needs to be awakened, strengthened and developed as the child matures. To present your child for baptism is to accept responsibility for the growth of that faith.

Parents should baptize their child, not because it is the custom, but because they sincerely desire the Christian life for their child. Later, your child’s faith will be based on what he/she has learned and experienced in your home and community from the very first days of life.

The responsibility of Christian parents is holy, important, and often difficult. Therefore, it is very understandable that you should invite family and friends to assist in the responsibility of raising your child Catholic. It is the godparents who most explicitly assumes the responsibility with the parents and should be ready to help the parents raise their child in the knowledge of the Lord.

What do the Baptism Symbols Mean?

Sign of the Cross

The sign of the cross is the mark of Christians because Jesus Christ died on the cross. Parents and godparents trace it on the child’s forehead to show that the baby belongs to Christ, who now offers his help and grace to face and overcome the sufferings of life.


Water is a symbol of both life and death. Its use in baptism is central to the sacrament representing taking on a new life in Christ.


The baptismal candle is a symbol of the light of Christ which is coming into the child’s life.

The Paschal [Easter] Candle is always lit during baptism ceremonies. The Paschal Candle represents the light of Christ, and it is from this flame that your baptismal candle will be lit.

The lit candle is presented to the baptized, held by the father, mother or a godparent during the remainder of the ceremony. The presentation of light represents how the newly baptized will become a son or daughter of “the light.” The flame symbolizes the flame the flame of faith which will burn through the life of your child.

We encourage the use of the baptismal candle at family birthday celebrations to celebrate the anniversary of being baptized into the Christian family.

White Garment

White is a symbol of transition and change; purity and cleansing. It is a sign of innocence and the new life of resurrection. Its use in the baptism is a visible sign of putting on Christ, of taking on a new way of life.


Chrism means “to anoint.” This Oil of Chrism is olive oil, perfumed with special spices and blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday. In the baptismal ceremony it is used to anoint the head of the newly baptized. This oil is also used to anoint someone in the sacraments of Confirmation and Ordination. The sweet smell is also an outward indication to the world that something has changed about the baptized -- they have a "different scent" about them.

The presider may also choose to anoint the breastbone during the baptism ceremony with the Oil of Catechumens. This oil is a symbol of the power and strength which comes from Jesus.

The anointing of the heads of the newly baptized with chrism is accompanied by the celebrant saying, “God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed you into his holy people. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life."