We are so thankful to have our families entrust us with the faith development of their children. We are available to discuss with you all the ways Assumption can enrich the lives of your children.

To help guide our young people in building their faith relationship with God and others, our Parish Religious Education offers many avenues.

Our Full-time Day School provides exemplary pre-K through 8th grade education and faith formation.

With our PSR Program, we meet students where they are in their faith journey and bring them closer to Christ on a weekly basis.

Our Life Teen Youth Group offers 8th-12th graders out of the classroom to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus and others in a way that is fun, keeps you guessing, and wanting more. This includes Life Teen Mass each Sunday at 5:30pm that all are welcome at, but teens specifically sit together up front. We then enjoy dinner and a Life Night afterwards always filled with Shenanigans.  See: Assumption Life Teen Web Page

Our Sunday Preschool provides age appropriate Gospel teachings every Sunday morning.

Our Vacation Bible School provides a week-long, energetic encounter with Christ at the beginning of students’ summer break!

We look forward to welcoming your children into any of these exciting experiences of faith and spiritual development!