Our beautiful parish has a 150 year history here in O’Fallon! I invite you to join us, as a visitor or as a member of our loving parish family, as we continue that history of striving to follow Christ. I hope this website can answer your immediate questions, but you are always welcome to contact us personally, or better yet, to stop in for a visit to find Christ here... and bring Christ to the world.
Peace, Fr. Nick
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12-Noon, 5:30pm Monday-Friday: 6:30am, 8am & Saturday: 8am
Holy Day’s Vigil for Feast: 5:30pm Feast Day: 6:30am, 8am and 7pm
Reconciliation Weekend: Advent is the time to confess our sins – to take off our masks and ask God’s forgiveness from those whom we have offended. C...
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If you are looking for the perfect gift this Christmas, look no further! The Assumption Quilters are selling beautiful handmade quilts this Christmas Season! These one-of...
Blessings to you and your family this Advent Season. We can't wait to celebrate the birth of Christ with you! Christmas Masses Tuesday, Dec. 24: Christmas Vi...
The Advent Season begins Sunday, Dec. 1 through Dec. 25. It is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second c...
Our new church family album will not be complete without you! Schedule your professional photography sessions with Universal Church Directories. Pets are welcome and mult...
We now have an Assumption Chapel Endowment Fund! Just like our houses, God’s house also needs work to keep it maintained and looking nice. Here are a few t...