Our beautiful parish has a 150 year history here in O’Fallon! I invite you to join us, as a visitor or as a member of our loving parish family, as we continue that history of striving to follow Christ. I hope this website can answer your immediate questions, but you are always welcome to contact us personally, or better yet, to stop in for a visit to find Christ here... and bring Christ to the world.
Peace, Fr. Nick
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12-Noon, 5:30pm Monday-Friday: 6:30am, 8am & Saturday: 8am
Holy Day’s Vigil for Feast: 5:30pm Feast Day: 6:30am, 8am and 7pm
The Assumption Fall Festival Committee extends a huge thank you to all who helped pull off another successful festival this year. We are filled with much gratitude f...
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Attention Men! Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Be a better husband? Become a more loving father? Build friendships with other like–minded men?...
This fall, we are having another video/discussion series to help us grow in our faith―The Wild Goose, with Fr. Dave Pivonka (discovering a deeper relationship with the Ho...
Attention parents of preschoolers and Kindergarteners! Sunday Preschool is back at Assumption, Sept. 8 - May 4. Bring your children ages 3-6 to the Assumption Early Child...
Held every Sunday at the 10 AM Mass from August through May, all children ages 3 years to second grade, who have not had their first communion, are invited to p...
We are very excited to announce that world-renowned Catholic author, Matthew Kelly has updated the Christ Renews His Parish retreat process – CRHP – and so ha...