Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

Chapel Endowment

Posted on February 04, 2019 in: Parish Community Special Event

Chapel Endowment

We now have an Assumption Chapel Endowment Fund!

Just like our houses, God’s house also needs work to keep it maintained and looking nice.  Here are a few things our beloved Chapel needs:

*carpet repairs
*walls patched and repainted from previous leaking
*new light fixtures will be needed soon


Please consider giving to this Fund to keep our historic landmark beautiful for generations to come! 

How WE can Be a Part of This Project

An Anonymous Donor has created a new endowment fund with the Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri to provide long-term support to our beloved Chapel:

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church (O’Fallon) Chapel Endowment Fund

Distributions from the fund may only be used for expenses related to the Chapel.  They are not for general parish use.  Chapel related expenses may include renovation and/or restoration, insurance, utility expenses, etc.

Our hope for the short term is to get the balance of the fund to at least $25,000 before the end of 2020 to allow us to receive our first distribution in the summer of 2021.  Although this seems to be a long time from now, the end of 2020 will be upon us more quickly than we expect!  Our long-term hope is to grow the fund to completely cover all of the expenses of the Chapel through current and memorial gifts. 

Should you wish to make a gift to the fund, please contact our Parish Planned Giving Partner, Michael Weisbrod at 314.918.2890 or to discuss ways you can make a gift. Gifts may be cash, stock transfer or IRA distributions (for those over 70.5).  Credit card gifts can be made online BY CLICKING HERE and then selecting this fund's name.

All checks should be made payable to “RCF f.b.o. Assumption Chapel Fund”

For those of you wish to make a gift from your IRA or transfer stock, Mr. Weisbrod can provide you the information needed.

Should you wish to make a gift to the fund through a deferred gift (after your lifetime), Mr. Weisbrod can also provide you with the language you will need to ensure your thoughtful and important gift is properly received and added to the fund.

Many thanks to our Anonymous Donor and others interested in ensuring the future of our beautiful and historic Chapel!