Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and leads us to the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, to culminate in our Easter celebration. During the 40-day preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 20, Catholics around the globe will seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture, serve by giving alms and practice self-control through fasting for the eternal good God offers us. Join Assumption for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lenten Season.
Ash Wednesday: March 5
Mass in the Church at 6:30AM, 8AM, and 7PM.
Prayer Service with Assumption students in the Church at 12:05PM.
The Wild Goose with Fr. Dave Pivonka: Discovering a Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit
March 6 – April 10
This winter and into the spring, we are continuing the video series we started watching in the fall and will view episodes 8-14 in this new series. There will be a moderator to show the video and help get our discussions going at each of the sessions:
- Tuesday mornings: 9-10:30AM, Parish Hall Meyer Room
- Thursday evenings: 6:30-8PM, Rectory Basement
Consider coming to watch and talk with fellow parishioners, or watch the series with a group you know on your own time. You can find the videos on the Formed.org website by going under the Programs column and then to Faith Formation. SIGN IN if you already have an account or create an account by clicking on "Finding Your Parish Subscription" by typing in "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish - 403 N Main St. O'Fallon MO" and following the prompts.
Friday Evening Stations of the Cross:
March 7 – April 11 at 7PM in the Chapel
Also known as the Way of the Cross, commemorate Jesus's passion and death on the cross. There are 14 stations that each depict a moment on his journey to Calvary, usually through sacred art, prayers, and reflections.
Friday Fish Fry:
March 7 – April 18 from 5-7PM
The O’Fallon Knights of Columbus Council #2269, located across the street from Assumption School, will be cooking up some of the best cod and catfish around. Carryout or dine-in available! $16 dinner with 3 sides. $15 dine-in Senior Rate. $11 Fish sandwich/Chicken strips/Kids plate.
Lenten Rosary For Life:
March 10-April 18, following weekday Mass
Lent is a time to grow closer to God… join our Respect Life Apostolate (Pro-Life) ministry to pray the Rosary in the Chapel after 8AM Mass weekdays in the Church.
For more information, you can contact Sylvia Kiphart at 636-978-8803
Tuesday Eucharistic Exposition:
March 11 – April 15 from 9AM – 10PM in the Chapel
Pray in the Chapel during Eucharistic Exposition when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance that is placed upon the altar. Eucharistic Adoration is available 24/7 in the Chapel by using the Church code to open the door at the north transit entrance.
Tuesday Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions:
March 11 – April 15 at 5:15PM in the Chapel
Observe this perpetual novena on Tuesdays during Lent as we gather together in the Chapel to honor our Mother and our Perpetual Help. We recall how she helped others. Her whole life was a lesson in love.
Tuesday Evening Mass:
March 11 – April 15 at 6PM in the Chapel
Come pray with us every Tuesday during Lent in the Chapel.
Friday Afternoon Stations of the Cross:
March 14, March 28, April 11 at 2:40PM in the Church
Assumption students guide the congregation through the 14 stations through the eyes of a different person each time. All Stations occur in the Church except for the “Shadow Stations” on April 11 at 2:45PM in the Chapel.
Men’s Welcome CRHP Retreat Weekend
Friday, March 22-23 in the Parish Center
This two-day walk with Christ allows you and other fellow parishioners to energize your faith by strengthening your connection with Him. The CRHP Weekend is a “must do Parish experience” with inspiring music, faith sharing, Mass, small group discussions, exciting activities guaranteed to renew your spiritual awareness and so much more.
Family: Yikes! ... & ... Yay! with Fr. Joe Kempf
Friday, March 24, 7PM in the Church
Is there any adventure more exhausting and exciting, frustrating and fulfilling, terrifying and tremendous, heartbreaking and holy (and sometimes hilarious) than parenthood? And it must be added: Impossible to do perfectly? No one has ever HAD perfect parents. No one IS a perfect parent, and many people feel inadequate or alone in their struggles with their parents or with their children. This presentation is for anyone who has ever felt anything like that.
While Father Joe needs no introduction to so many at Assumption, he will always hold a special place for our Parish in his heart. Serving as Assumption Pastor for 15 years, Father Joe is known for his dynamic personality and engaging storytelling, great love of God's people, sense of humor, and author of many books.
Reconnect after the presentation to preview and purchase signed copies of his books, including Gospel Value children's books. Every cent of profit goes to help feed hungry kids.
Presentation on the Eucharist with Dr. Ben Akers of the Augustine Institute
Thursday, April 3, 7PM in the Church
Stations of Hope:
Friday, April 4 at 7PM in the Church
Join the Men’s Group Ministry for an evening of prayer, music and candlelight during this special Lenten Stations of the Cross.
Reconciliation Weekend:
Friday, April 4 from 6-9PM in the Church, and
Saturday, April 5 from 9AM-3:30PM in the Chapel
Confessors available to celebrate the sacrament as we draw closer to the end of our Lenten journey.
Easter Egg Hunt:
April 13, Palm Sunday after all Masses
The Sixth Annual Assumption Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Men’s Group is back! Children ages 12 and under grab your Easter Basket and head to the soccer fields to help the Easter Bunny search for the hidden eggs on Palm Sunday, April 13! The hunts are free and will start 30 minutes after each Mass. Find a golden egg and win a special prize! One per family, please. While you’re there, get your family picture taken with the Easter Bunny. There will be donuts available at the 8AM hunt, and grilled hot dogs, soda, and water will be for sale after the 10AM and 12PM hunts. Donations are welcome. All proceeds will help fund the new Early Childhood playground.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper:
April 17, Holy Thursday, at 7PM in Church
Come celebrate the institution of the Holy Eucharist and Christ’s example of humility and charity as we witness the washing of the feet. Eucharistic Adoration in our Chapel follows the service until midnight.
Life Teen Walk the Way Stations of the Cross:
April 18, Good Friday, at 3PM in the Church
Experience the Stations of the Cross from the perspective of Jesus through this experiential prayer service put on by our Life Teen Ministry. Sit in the Church and observe or be blindfolded while going through the motions.
Good Friday Service:
April 18 at 7PM in Church
Remember with us the sacrifice Jesus made as we have the reading of the Passion and the veneration of the cross at this Communion service.
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil:
April 19 at 8PM in Church
On this holy night, the Church keeps watch, celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments and awaiting his return in glory. This evening we renew our baptismal promises and celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation with those who have been preparing as we witness their Baptisms, entry into the Church, Confirmations and their First Communions.
Sunday Easter Mass:
April 20 at 8AM, 10AM, and noon in the Church, and 8:15AM and 10:15AM in the Chapel
The season of Easter is the most important of all liturgical times, which Catholics celebrate as the Lord's resurrection from the dead, culminating in his Ascension to the Father and sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.