Our Fall Festival is THIS WEEKEND!! We have many fun things planned for the entire family!! We hope to see you there! A special THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and event sponsors! We couldn't put on this fabulous day with each of you!!

Sign-up to Volunteer:
Visit, https://bit.ly/2022FallFestVolunteer or
SCAN the QR Code to choose one of the many opportunties available.

Get ready for another exciting lineup of music, food, fellowship, and fun at the 2022 Assumption Fall Festival Saturday, Oct. 15, 4-10 p.m., and Sunday, Oct. 16, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. This two-day festival is packed with fun for all ages!
Live Entertainment: Festivities kick-off Saturday with Music by MandaLyn from 4-6 p.m., followed by Almost Famous from 7-10 p.m. Cole Blue Steel, a parish favorite, takes the stage from 1-5 p.m. on Sunday.
Weekend Dinner: Pork Steak Dinner on Saturday and Fried Chicken Dinner on Sunday. Adults $12 and children $8. Carry out service is available. Purchase tickets early and receive a sweet deal on us! With every pre-sale dinner ticket purchased, dessert is free! Pre-sale dinner tickets will be available for purchase after all Masses, Saturday, Sept. 17, and Sunday, Sept. 18, during our Ministry Festival/Hospitality Sunday weekend. For more information about the pre-sale tickets, contact Russ Schaller at 314-608-6551.
Haunted Hayrides and Traditional Hayrides: You never know what creepy creatures you’ll see at this year’s Haunted Hayride. Beginning at dusk on Saturday, fairgoers of all ages are invited to experience a 15-minute ride through three “scare zones” in the woods. For those who enjoy a not-so-spooky ride, Traditional Hayrides will be available all day on Sunday.
Kids Games and Inflatables: These fun activities will be available all weekend long. This year, game prizes will be purchased through Amazon. If you’d like to donate an Amazon gift card or candy bars, please contact Vanessa Markelz at 618-980-8817. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Barrel Rides: These fun rides for the little ones are available again from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday and all day on Sunday.
Cakewalk: This fun musical game is back and is sure to be a favorite for all who play! Many cake donations will be needed to fill the need. Please contact Ann Gessert at 314-322-5696 to learn about donations.
Dessert Stand New this Year: Your favorite pies, brownies, cookies and sweet treats are needed for our new dessert stand! In an effort to offset rising food costs, we are asking for your generous donations.
Sandwich Stand: A variety of your favorite grilled picnic food will be available for purchase at the festival again this year.
Funnel Cake: What’s not to like about these tasty treats that will be available for purchase at the festival again this year.
Beer and Wine: A variety of beer and wine will be sold all weekend long at this popular stand at the festival.
Spirit Wagon Raffle: Win a wagon full of spirits! Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20. Help us pack the wagon full of all your favorites and contribute to the cause. Drop off donations of liquor, beer, and wine at the parish office. For more information, contact Russ Schaller at 314-608-6551.
Quilt Raffle: This year two quilts will be raffled off! Win a beautifully embroidered king or queen-size quilt, embroidered in shades of blues and pinks by the late Joan (Sommer) Pieper. This gorgeous quilt will be given as first prize in the quilt raffle at the festival; second prize will be a colorful teddy bear baby-size quilt. Both quilts were hand-quilted by the Assumption Quilters. Tickets are $2 per ticket or 3 for $5. Tickets will be available for purchase beginning Sept 17-18 and in the bulletin leading up to the big event.
50/50 Raffle: Win big this year by purchasing tickets to this popular raffle. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10 and can be purchased beginning Sept 17-18 and in the bulletin leading up to the big event.
Adult Games: Try your luck at the States Games, Pull Tabs, and Chuck-A-Luck games all weekend long.
Country Store Donations: The Country Store is back! If you make tasty treats, breads, and jams, we’ll need plenty of it! We’re also looking for sellable home goods, seasonal decorations, new or gently used décor and anything else you are willing to part with at your home. If you’ve got what we need to fill the store, just drop these items in the bins located downstairs in the parish center. Got questions? Contact Lisa Serino at 314-479-1097 to find out more about donations.