Family Pre-Qualification Survey Now Open! We are pleased to announce that the Missouri State Treasurer’s Office has approved the Today & Tomorrow Educational Foundation (TTEF) as an Educational Assistance Organization (EAO) for the K-12 Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program: MOScholars.
MOScholars will be added to TTEF's scholarship program offerings. At this time, TTEF is pre-screening families who may be eligible to receive a MOScholars scholarship. Please share the survey link below with families who may be eligible, and view our FAQ for schools. As always, thank you for your partnership.
Families May Click HERE to Complete the Pre-Qualification Survey
Frequently Asked Questions for Schools
Does TTEF currently have scholarship dollars available for the MOScholars program?
No. Per state guidelines, TTEF cannot begin accepting MOScholars contributions from eligible donors until July 1st, 2022. No scholarships will be awarded until funds are available.
Who is eligible for a MOScholars scholarship?
Students living in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, and Jefferson County and who meet eligibility requirements established by the State may apply, found HERE.
How much is a MOScholars scholarship?
A MOScholars scholarship is $6,375.
What can a MOScholars scholarship be used for?
A MOScholars scholarship is provided directly to families, and can be used to fund a variety of educational expenses, including tuition. Please see more information about scholarship uses HERE.
When can families apply?
The application portal is not yet open. Families are encouraged to complete the pre-qualification survey by July 1, 2022. TTEF will then send eligible families a link to apply for the scholarship via email, when the Missouri State Treasurer's Office opens the application.