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Memorial Day - May 30 - 8AM Mass

Posted on May 13, 2022 in: Parish Community Special Event

Memorial Day - May 30 - 8AM Mass

Memorial Day, May 30th at 8:00am

Monday, May 30th, we will pause to remember all the men and women who have served in our armed forces, especially those who have given their lives in service to our country.  This Memorial Day, we will celebrate Mass at 8:00am. During Mass we will remember all men and women who have served or currently serve. 

We encourage you to bring pictures of your loved ones who have served in any branch of our armed services. We will create a Book of Remembrance to be placed on display in our Narthex for several days (please find sheets of paper for you to write your loved ones name). Near the end of Mass we will process out to the cemetery where we will honor all our parishioners who have served and are buried here.  We will pledge ourselves to honor their legacy by working for peace.  The final blessing, concluding Mass, will take place in our cemetery. We do hope you will join us this Memorial Day, May 30th at 8:00am in Church for this beautiful and holy service.