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St. Vincent dePaul Christmas Program

Posted on November 15, 2021 in: Outreach Opportunity

St. Vincent dePaul Christmas Program

Society of St. Vincent De Paul needs your help this Christmas!

       Neighbors In Need Christmas Day

Our SVDP is again sponsoring a Christmas program for our neighbors in need and our homeless clients that will take place on December 11th. As we begin our planning, we have included information below for our big, yearly event.  All generous donations work in combination with the GIVING TREE, ADOPT A FAMILY and the CHRISTMAS PROGRAM. There are several ways that you can get involved to help those who greatly need our assistance this holiday season.

  • GIVING TREE GIFTS Our Giving Trees will be up till the end of November and filled with gift needs. 
  • STOCK THE HOUSE   Neighbors in Need shopping day - This will take place on December 11th.

Our Neighbors In Need lack the necessities that we often take for granted.  When they pick up their items from the Adopt-A-Family or Giving Tree, they are invited to walk through the hall and choose a gift for themselves and/or one to give.  If we have enough donations, they are able to pick up other needed items. Below are some ideas of items to help our Neighbors in Need.

Stock the House Items - New items (unwrapped) such as:  family games, towels, blankets or comforters, tool sets, hardware mini kits, hand mixers,  crockpots,  pillows,  batteries, sheet sets, gift cards to purchase inexpensive prepaid phones for homeless.

  • TWEEN GIFT ITEMS (Teen Items) - There is always a large need for: comfy sleep pants, ear buds, phone chargers, power banks, sports balls, lotion sets, earphones, Game Stop, Ulta or Target gift cards, teen games, jewelry, and hair accessories.
  • ADOPT A FAMILY OR SENIOR - If you feel that your family or organization would like to adopt a family - WE NEED YOU!!   Please see the form on the next (perforated) page. 

"Treat Table" - This year we will be including a Treat Table for our Neighbors in Need.  Most do not have the ability or supplies to make holiday goodies, so if anyone would like to share some sweet treats with our NIN's this year, they would greatly appreciate it.  (Cookies, pies, fudge, candies, etc.) The program date is Saturday, Dec.11th.  If we could obtain the treats on Friday, Dec. 10th that would be great.  You can drop them at the Parish Center while we are setting up, or at the parish office, OR we could have someone pick up donations if you need assistance.  Thank you!!

PLEASE KNOW…. We do offer ‘no contact’ PICK UP at your home, or you can drop items in the SVDP bin in Church.  Whatever you feel comfortable with ...We are happy to assist in any way! 

Questions or to schedule a donation pick up, please contact Tammy Young at 314-603-2395 or  Thank you so much to all of our generous parishioners!!