Give the GIft of Life!! Register to give blood today!
Assumption Parish is hosting another blood drive and you are encouraged once again to consider making a donation of the Gift of Life. You may donate if you have had COVID-19, if you are at least 14 days symptom free. There is no deferral period after receipt of the COVID vaccine. With the current critical need for all blood types, ImpactLife (formerly Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center) will be in the parish center on Sunday, November 14, 9:00am – 1:30pm, and we look forward to welcoming you there! If you have not donated blood since September 19, you are eligible to donate at this drive. Donations must be by appointment only to accommodate social distancing. You may go to (use sponsor code 9007) to schedule an appointment; or call ImpactLife at 800-747-5401 for assistance in scheduling. Please visit for information about COVID-19 protocols relating to blood donations. ImpactLife representative, Terry Deters, is also available to answer any questions you may have about donating, 314-852-3842. Parish coordinator, Mary Anne Robinson, can also be reached at 636-541-2823 to assist with scheduling.