Assumption Parish Sunday Preschool Sundays During 10am mass Information/Registration Form 2021-2022
Lessons and activities center on the Gospel message for the week.
o Begin with prayer. Listen to Gospel story for that week
o Rotate through learning/activity centers
o Close with group prayer
Children ages 3-5/6 (Preschool through Kindergarten). Children must be potty trained. Please provide a change of clothes if you feel it is necessary.
Child may be registered in the middle of the school year (after 3rd birthday) - tuition will be pro-rated.
Classes are from October 24, 2021 through Sunday, May 1, 2022.
No class on: 10/17/21 (Fall Festival) 11/28/21, 12/26/21, 1/2/22 and 4/17/22 (Easter)
Class begins at 10:00 a.m. Drop-off may begin at 9:45 with pick-up at the conclusion of Mass.
Parents must sign their child in/out each Sunday. During drop-off each week you will help your child find his/her nametag. Children will not be dismissed to siblings or friends
– parent only.
Tuition is $40 for the first child and free for each additional child. Please make checks payable to Assumption Church.
Late Registration will be accepted.
Contact Denise Hoehne at 314-954-3192 for additional information.
Please see registration form below!