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Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski Invites the Faithful Back to Mass

Posted on May 20, 2021 in: Parish Community Special Event

Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski Invites the Faithful Back to Mass

Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski Invites the Faithful Back To Mass

As the world moves forward on the path of healing, we invite everybody in the Archdiocese of St. Louis to gather together again to experience the Eucharist—the true presence of the Body of Christ—in its fullest form. On July 1, 2021, Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski will lift the dispensation of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for all of the faithful in the Archdiocese of St. Louis—meaning that we will all be called to return to Holy Mass in person each Sunday.

What does that mean for Assumption?

Safety protocols and other liturgical directives were updated and include the following:

Attendance capacity limits have been lifted

Baptismal Font & Holy Water dishes will be filled

Breaking Bread Missals are available on carts in the Narthex before Mass for those who wish to use one (please return your Missal to the cart as you exit church); we will still use projection for all prayers, scripture readings, and music lyrics.

We will begin passing the Offertory baskets again on July 4th

The Sign of Peace is reinstated, but with no physical contact

Distribution of the Precious Blood remains suspended until further notice

Parish Center remains available for gatherings. For people who have not been fully vaccinated, we do ask that you wear a mask upon entering and respect social distancing.

Parishioners who are sick, homebound, immunocompromised and gravely concerned for their health retain the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass, which has always been the case in normal times. Though we should take the obligation to attend Mass seriously, no one is ever morally obligated to do something that would jeopardize their health or the health of other people.

For More Information & Resources please visit: Archdiocese of St. Louis