Last year, Boeing removed us from their list of eligible schools for matching gifts, but we appealed our case and have just been reinstated! If you are a Boeing employee or retiree, your 2020 donations and volunteer hours need to be reported to Boeing no later than January 31, 2021. Employee donations are eligible for a 100% match, and retiree donations receive a 50% match. THANK YOU!!!
For instructions on how to designate your contributions for matching gifts from Boeing, please visit www.assumptionbvm.org and scroll your mouse over the Our Parish tab, where you will see the option for “Boeing Matching Gift”.
Matching Gifts Program – FREE MONEY!
As a reminder, matching gift programs are also available for employees and retirees of Tyco, McDonald’s, Verizon, Well Fargo, Bank of America, First Data, Home Depot, Monsanto, IBM, Merrill Lynch, MasterCard, UPS, Ameren, and USAA!!!
These companies offer a matching gift program for private elementary schools and Assumption School should qualify. Did you know that. . . by designating your contributions to the school and requesting the matching gift for Assumption School, the parish subsidy for the school is reduced? If you work or are retired from one of these companies, please consider taking advantage of their matching gift program. For more information please contact Mark Vogt in the parish office at 636.240.3721 Ext 225 or mvogt.abvm@gmail.com.