Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

Prevent & Protect-ALL MUST REGISTER

Posted on December 03, 2019 in: Ministry Development

Prevent & Protect-ALL MUST REGISTER

Assumption is blessed with nearly 2,000 volunteers and paid staff, who labor in front of and behind the scenes to keep our community of faith vibrant and thriving - what a grace!

The Archdiocese has updated its registration system & requirements regarding background screenings and Safe Environment training (Protecting God's Children).
The updates affect ALL VOLUNTEERS and STAFF, both present and future.

If you are a current volunteer or parish employee who has already attended the manadatory Protecting God's Children workshop, and have been registered under the VIRTUS system -- you only need to update your paperwork. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS

If you are age-18 or older and would like to volunteer in a ministry that is directed toward, conducted near, or inanyway invovles minors (ages 17 and younger), you must complete a mandatory workshop and complete a background screening and all the required registration documents. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS

This is more than just making sure our parish stays in compliance with Archdiocesan policy.... this is about a promise; an unshakeable commitment to keep the littlest and most vulnerable ones of our community, and the broader Church, safe from danger and explotation. Thank you for your ministry.