The Assumption St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Food Pantry is running low or has completely run out of some items on the shelves, and is in desperate need of your support. Food and non-food donations are needed:
FOOD ITEMS NEEDED: jelly, beef stew, pancake syrup, mayonnaise, canned pears, canned peaches, canned mixed fruit, instant oatmeal and cereal (we use a lot of both during winter), and cookies
NON-FOOD ITEMS NEEDED: shampoo, liquid dish soap, laundry detergent, paper towels, and facial tissues.
For those who prefer the convenience of online shopping, click on the link to visit the Assumption SVDP Food Pantry Amazon Wish List, and select "Catherine Hackman's Gift Registry" for shipping. The SVDP ministry will update the Amazon list as items are purchased. In addition, donors may drop off donations in the wooden cart located in the Narthex of church.
Thank you for your generous and continued support!