Join us as we will once again have a special Eucharistic celebration. It is special in several ways. First, let this day be a reminder that “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving.” Taking part in the Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day is a beautiful way to begin celebrating this holiday and we hope that you will join us.
We also invite you to bring gifts for the poor. These gifts can be monetary donations or the usual items you bring for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. On this day, please DO NOT leave them at the St. Vincent de Paul Society Depository but bring them to your pews. At the time of the Presentation of the Gifts, you will be asked to bring your gifts forward to the bins provided. The St. Vincent DePaul Society, Ushers and Greeters will be there to assist you.
Finally, you are invited to bring something that you will be providing at your own Thanksgiving Dinner. Let it be anything--cooked or uncooked, that you can easily handle. Again, bring this to your pew with you. During the Mass, you will be asked to hold up these items to be blessed. After Mass, take them home with you to be used for your meal.
We hope that this will help to make a connection between the Lord’s Table and your own feasting table. In this way, you are bringing God’s blessing to your own table and might even use this item to focus your meal prayer that day.
We do hope that you will join us as one family at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish to give Thanks to God for all that He has done for us!
Please Note: There will not be a 6:30am or 8am Mass on Thanksgiving Day.