Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

Fall Adult Faith Series Begins Sept. 24

Posted on September 08, 2024 in: Faith Formation

Fall Adult Faith Series Begins Sept. 24

This fall, we are having another video/discussion series to help us grow in our faith―The Wild Goose, with Fr. Dave Pivonka (discovering a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit). “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. We will view 7 of the 14 videos in this series this fall, starting Sept. 24 – Nov. 7. A moderator will show the video and help get our discussion going at two times each week.

  • Tuesday mornings 9-10:15am (Parish Hall, Rooms D & E)
  • Thursday evenings 6:30-7:45pm (Parish Hall, Rooms D & E)

Consider coming to watch and talk with fellow parishioners or watch with a group you know. You can find the videos on the website, under “Watch Now” in the top menu, and hit “Faith Formation” and then “Programs” in the drop down and scroll down to “Wild Goose.” The Wild Goose will be on that page along with the Search that we viewed last winter, and many other series.