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Children's Liturgy of the Word Returns

Posted on August 14, 2024 in: Faith Formation

Children's Liturgy of the Word Returns

Held every Sunday at the 10 AM Mass from August through May, all children ages 3 years to second grade, who have not had their first communion, are invited to participate in an interactive program, where the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) is presented at their age level. 

Registration is not required for CLW – just encourage your child to attend when the presiding priest asks the children to come forward to the altar for a blessing during opening prayer at the beginning of Mass. After the blessing, the children will follow the Catechist downstairs to rooms D & E in the Parish Center, where Children's Liturgy of the Word is presented. After engaging in worship and activities, the Children return to Mass at the start of the offertory.

 If you have questions or are interested in volunteering for the program as a Catechists, Timekeeper, or classroom helper, please contact Maria Tadlock at or 636-734-2817.