Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

PSR Registration Closes Aug. 1

Posted on June 18, 2024 in: PSR Event

PSR Registration Closes Aug. 1

Registration for 2024-2025 session opened June 18 and will close Aug. 1.

After much discernment, we wanted to make you aware of an upcoming change to our PSR program.  Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, Assumption Parish will offer PSR classes on Wednesday evenings only, from 6:15-7:30 PM. While this wasn’t an easy decision to make, our reasoning is to allow for a more unified and focused religious formation program for our children and families, while making better use of our resources.

Classes begin with our PSR Family Mass and OPEN HOUSE for students and their families at 6:15 PM on Wednesday, September 4th. Students and their families should attend this Mass together. Afterwards, we will head over to the school building to meet teachers, see classrooms, and celebrate the beginning of the new school year together!  

Our regular PSR schedule will begin on Wednesday, September 11 from 6:15-7:30 PM. Please see the detailed calendar for important dates and events.

Please arrive between 6-6:10 PM for drop off. Drop off is at the front doors of the school. EDGE students will be dropped off at the parish center doors.

Children in grades 1-3 must be picked up BY A PARENT near the front foyer.

Children in grades 4-6 will be dismissed through the side gym doors and walk along the cemetery path to the lower parking lot. Please park in the spots closest to the cemetery to pick up your child.

Children in grades 7-8 will be picked up from the parish center. Please park in the spots closest to Main Street to pick up your child.

If you have more than one child enrolled, older children may remain in the front foyer with the children in grades 1-3 until a parent arrives. No children will be released to siblings.