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Assumption Subsumes St. Barnabas as Planned

Posted on June 06, 2024 in: Faith Formation

Assumption Subsumes St. Barnabas as Planned

Good afternoon,                                                                                             

As you know, on Pentecost weekend of 2023, Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski issued a decree through which St. Barnabas parish was subsumed by Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (O’Fallon). In his letters to both parishes explaining his decision, the archbishop outlined the avenue for hierarchical recourse, the process that appeals a decision of this nature.  

We learned on the afternoon of Thursday, June 6, that the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Clergy has completed its review of an appeal submitted by a parishioner of St. Barnabas and has elected to uphold the decree which joins St. Barnabas with Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

 I understand that this has been a challenging process and I thank you for your patience during this time of transition. With the decision now complete, I hope, with your help, to foster continued collaboration as we move forward as one united parish community.   

I can assure you of my continued prayers for you all, and I ask you to keep each other in your prayers as well.  


Fr. Nick