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Assumption Remembers and Honors on Memorial Day

Posted on May 24, 2024 in: Parish Community Special Event

Assumption Remembers and Honors on Memorial Day

Join the O'Fallon American Legion Post 388, Monday, May 27, in the Assumption Cemetery, to honor and remember those who died in service of our country. The Legion will host its annual Memorial Day Service at 9AM, and everyone is invited to pay tribute to those who lost their lives while defending our country.

This longtime tradition at Assumption will take place on the upper section of the cemetery and the prayer service will last about 25 minutes. During the event, the Legion Honor Guard will offer military honors, which include a gun salute and taps, as well as, prayers offered by our own Father Nick Kastenholz and their Chaplin.

Please pray with us for these men and women.

Memorial Day Prayer

God of Power and Mercy,

You destroy war and put down pride.

Banish violence from our midst

and wipe away our tears,

that we may all deserve

to be called sons and daughters.

Keep in your mercy those

men and women who have died

in the cause of freedom

and bring them safely

into your kingdom of justice and peace.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Please Note: There is only an 8AM Mass in the Church on Memorial Day.