Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

Assumption Beautification Day: Saturday, May 18

Posted on May 17, 2024 in: Parish Community Special Event

Assumption Beautification Day: Saturday, May 18

Attention volunteers of all ages! Grab your rake, shovel, wheelbarrow and pitchfork—it is time to come together as a “green team" to spruce up the Assumption Church and School campus. The Men’s Group is once again hosting the annual Assumption Spring Beautification Day, Saturday, May 18 from 8AM - noon, and everyone is invited to help!

If you are interested in volunteering, please meet on the patio area of the Parish Center on the day of the event and be prepared to have fun!

A shout out to the Men's Group for leading the event and Tim Blattel at Twin Oaks for providing the skid steer. We are so grateful for everyone's help!