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Annual Catholic Appeal Begins April 20

Posted on April 16, 2024 in: Faith Formation

Annual Catholic Appeal Begins April 20

Every year, the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) provides us an opportunity to realize the difference we can make when we act together in God’s love. By serving the Lord with gladness, we can see the impact it has on so many lives, including our own. The ministries that rely on the Appeal are wide-ranging and have a direct impact on the Church and our communities throughout the archdiocese.

We invite you to pick up your pledge card in the Narthex of the Church over the next couple of weeks, beginning April 20, in support of the mission of the Church For the Life of the World.

Your sacrificial giving through the ACA supports a wide range of programs and life-giving ministries that serve and are essential to so many, including:

  • the most vulnerable in our communities
  • our youth
  • our parish and school
  • our ministries
  • the Assumption SVdP food pantry
  • those in need
  • those who serve us

Thank you for your generous gifts and sharing Christ’s love through the ACA. For more information about the ACA, CLICK HERE to learn more from the archdiocese.