Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

FREE Family BINGO Night, April 22

Posted on March 28, 2024 in: Parish Community Special Event

FREE Family BINGO Night, April 22

Get ready for another round of BINGO family fun in the Assumption Parish Center! The 50+ Club and Garden View Care Center are planning a Family BINGO Night, Monday, April 22 on Earth Day, and all are welcome to attend from 6:30-8:30PM!

Bring a friend and join us for this two-hour event! Garden View will provide the BINGO supplies, prizes, and the caller; and the 50+ Club will be selling light refreshments and snacks, including homemade baked goods, candy, chips and non-alcoholic beverages.  

Assumption Family BINGO Night is free and registration is not required. For more information contact  Kim Thornhill at 918-381-7459 or Liz Allmeyer at 636-240-8638.