The Assumption St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry is in need of donations. Please place donations in the wooden bin located in the Church Narthax.
This is a list of of food items in need:
- Tuna and Chicken Helper
- saltine crackers and other snack crackers
- canned fruits including pears, oranges, mixed fruit, pineapple, etc.
- jelly
- Ketchup
- canned pasta with pull top lid
- canned meats
- canned tuna or chicken with pull top lids or in pouches
We are always in need of grocery store gift certificates and gas cards! These are other non-food items needed at this time:
- liquid dish soap
- laundry detergent
- dryer sheets
- facial tissue
- toilet paper
Thank you for your generous support! For more information, contact the Parish Office at 636-240-3721.