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Grief Support Series - September, 2022

Posted on August 12, 2022 in: Faith Formation

Grief Support Series - September, 2022

It Is Hard To Imagine That There Could Be Any Life - At The Other End Of Our Grief

The Grief Support Group of Assumption Parish cordially invites those of you, 18 years of age and older, who are grieving the death of a loved one, to our upcoming Grief Support Series. Our first session will begin at 7pm on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 2022, in the Meyer Room.

Father Joe Kempf’s video series, “No One Cries the Wrong Way” will be incorporated into some of our sessions, along with prayer, personal sharing, and biblical reflection.

To register or for any additional information please contact: Lynn Crews @ 636-294-0821 or

                            PLEASE REGISTER BY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER  6TH , 2022