In Need? Let us help!

If you are in need of any help, you can always contact our Parish Office at 636-240-3721 and we will do our best to connect you with assistance. This parish has connected people with help for many issues, such as: Home Repairs, Meals in Need (such as after surgery or the loss of a loved one), Abuse, Adoption, Addiction, Counseling/Emotional Support, Financial hardship, Housing, Pregnancy, Rape, Domestic Violence.

You are not alone. Our staff is trained to listen and to try to offer as much help as we possibly can. You can also explore these specific options:

Counseling/Emotional Supports

Annulment Advocate: If you have attained a civil divorce and are Catholic or engaged to a person who was previously married, even if he/she is not Catholic, please contact Father Nick Kastenholz 636-240-3721. 

Saint Louis Counseling
Catholic Family Services can help connect you with Counseling/Psychiatry, Family Life, Education, the School Partnership Program, Parenting Classes, Interpretation/Translation

CLICK HERE for the Family Services website

Family, Relationship, & Personal Difficulties

Grief Support
A weekly Grief Support series meets twice a year, one beginning in September and one in the Spring of the year. Additional grief support after the completion of each session can be arranged. For more information contact Ms. Lynn Crews 636-294-0821

One-on-One grief minister support: 

Care & Share (For Divorcees and Widow(er)s) - call Mr. Lee Schellert, 314-971-1821

Social Services Supports

St. Vincent de Paul Society Message Hotline to request assistance: 636-272-4758

School Tuition Assistance: contact Mark Vogt 636-240-3721 ext. 225  

Healthcare and Accessibility Supports

Homebound – Communion or Visits: Contact Ms. Pat Smith 281-1969

Nursing Home Visitation: Parish Office 636-240-3721

Golf Cart Transportation to/from parking Lot C to church; available for all weekend Masses: contact Jim O'Loughlin 314-606-0048

Transportation (errands, appointments, etc.): Ms. Pat Smith 636-281-1969

Faith Formation/Spirituality Supports

Bible Study: contact Liz and Bob Allmeyer 636240-8638

Christ Renews His Parish Retreats (CRHP): contact Mike Vohsen -- or Amy Whitelaw-VanLeuven --

Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): Ms. Missy Lowrey 314-630-3983

Small Church Communities: Carlene Grivois 636-544-4924

Sacraments and Devotions: Parish Office 240-3721