Our beautiful parish has a 150 year history here in O’Fallon! I invite you to join us, as a visitor or as a member of our loving parish family, as we continue that history of striving to follow Christ. I hope this website can answer your immediate questions, but you are always welcome to contact us personally, or better yet, to stop in for a visit to find Christ here... and bring Christ to the world.
Peace, Fr. Nick
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12-Noon, 5:30pm Monday-Friday: 6:30am, 8am & Saturday: 8am
Holy Day’s Vigil for Feast: 5:30pm Feast Day: 6:30am, 8am and 7pm
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and leads us to the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, to culminate in our Easter celebration. During the 40-...
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This winter and into the spring, we are continuing the video series we started watching in the fall, “The Wild Goose” with Fr. Dave Pivonka: Discove...
Due to unsafe conditions, Assumption Parish School Religion (PSR) and Edge classes are canceled tonight, Wednesday, February 19. Stay safe and warm today. We look forw...
Do you want to experience one of the most spiritual journeys of your life in only 36 hours? Register now for the Welcome Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Retreat planned f...
Thank you to those who nominated and those who have accepted; we have four new members: Gary Geiger Andy (Red) Hazell Kathy Henry Derek Menne They will b...
Held every Sunday at the 10 AM Mass from August through May, all children ages 3 years to second grade, who have not had their first communion, are invited to p...